It may be the health records or your MasterCard details; Everything is kept in the sort of info today. This indicates that the protection of the info servers must be strong and that fully depends on Network Security, Physical security & OS hardening. The info is analogous to a goldmine for hackers. The main purpose behind any cyber-attack is solely obtaining an access to an info server. It continues to be an enormous list, However, it’s vital to find out a way to secure your info server 1st.

1. Discard Demo-test Databases & all Default Users

These databases are public data and therefore, anyone can access your server using these details to gather the info as well as user data. No doubt all info servers go with a number of demo databases as well as users. Immediately delete these databases after you produce your own.

2. Sturdy Password Policy Execution

Some servers have intrinsical validation options, For instance, MSSQL has intrinsical password validation feature whereas some like MySQL forces you to install extra plugins validate_password plugin. While making a user enforce your info configuration to need a robust password. Execute a password policy that asks a password length of 20+ characters and blocks wordbook words.

3. User Privileges require to be Restricted

Access must be given to solely the minimum needed tables and privileges INSERT, SELECT, etc. Ought to be restricted to solely what’s really needed by the user. Usually, info users are created with access to all tables out there in the info which is needed solely during a few cases.This will facilitate in preventing information loss even after an exploit try.

4. Modification the Admin User Name

Several information servers set the admin username by default and then have to face the consequences.
Suppose the assaulter is aware of the admin username, he can simply guess the password and gain access. For instance, In the case of MySQL, it’s root. For additional security, it’s better to alter the admin username.

5. Enforce SSL/TLS on limit IP & Remote Connections

You’ill have to open up remote connections if you’re an info hosting provider. In such things, sanctionative SSL/TLS encryption & limiting connection by IP on info ports is a necessity.

6. Disable Public Network Access to info Servers

In the real globe, the end users don’t need to access the info directly. Business applications are kept in the databases. It’s thus essential to block all public network access to info servers unless you’re a hosting provider. Created gateway server’s VPN or SSH tunnels for your remote administrators.

7. Encrypt Your Backups & Application Files

If a hacker is ready to access the configuration file through application vulnerability, it’s terribly simple for him to enter the information. The configuration files of your applications embrace info access data. So, it’s better to encrypt all application files and their backups for protection.

8. Check for info Dumps Publicly Locations

Is a common mistake done by owners of the application. Leaving the info backups in publically accessible locations like temporary partition, web folders etc. You can find SQL dump files publicly folders by fixing your monitoring system.

9. Continuously keep the Software System Updated

You might think this is fewthing silly. However, as per Google, it detects 11,000 infected websites per day and the majority of these infections are caused because of application vulnerabilities.So, it won’t be valueless to mention what you already understand install the update instantly after receiving a notification.

10. Malware Scanner & Web Application Firewall ought to be used

In public facing web application, info servers are usually “back end”. Therefore, attackers use the foremost common method of web application exploits to access the databases.For blocking all common web application exploits. Set up web Application Firewalls like ModSecurity, NAXSI etc. In addition, these firewalls can be integrated with malware scanners (ClamAV) to secure from subtle attacks propelled from inside the server.


The explanation behind their interest in info access is the MasterCard details and user identities keep which are silver & gold for them. Cybercriminals have become quite intelligent whereas crafting their attacks. So, make sure you follow the above steps to secure your info server.

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