Are you tired of using Wix and want to cancel your subscription? Whether it’s because you found a better website builder or simply don’t need the service anymore, cancelling your Wix subscription can be confusing. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through step-by-step on how to unsubscribe from Wix, delete your account, and stop auto-renewal. So sit back, relax and say goodbye to Wix in just a few clicks!

How to cancel Wix subscription

Cancelling your Wix subscription can be done in just a few easy steps. First, log into your Wix account and click on the “Subscriptions” tab. Here you will see all the active subscriptions associated with your account.

Next, find the subscription that you want to cancel and click on “Actions.” Select “Cancel Plan” from the dropdown menu.

Wix will then prompt you with an option to provide feedback regarding why you are cancelling your subscription. This step is optional, but if it helps them improve their services or address any issues, it’s worth providing some honest feedback.

After submitting your reason (or skipping this step), select “Cancel Now” to confirm that you want to cancel your subscription.

That’s it! Your Wix subscription has been cancelled successfully, and you won’t be charged for any future payments unless there are outstanding charges due on your account.

How to unsubscribe from Wix

Unsubscribing from Wix is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to understand that deleting your account and unsubscribing are not the same. If you no longer want to use Wix services, canceling your subscription will prevent future charges. However, if you decide to delete your account, all data associated with it will be permanently removed.

To unsubscribe from Wix, log in to your account and navigate to the Billing & Payments tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard. From there, click on Subscriptions and locate the plan you wish to cancel. Click on Cancel Plan under its name.

Wix may prompt you with an offer or ask why you decided to cancel; simply follow their instructions until they confirm that your subscription has been canceled successfully.

It’s essential also to verify whether auto-renewal is enabled for any other subscriptions by checking each one individually. If auto-renewal is enabled for any subscription, disable it immediately so that future payments aren’t automatically charged once more.

Remember: Cancelling doesn’t always mean deleting! You can still access previous website versions and data even if you’re no longer subscribed!

How to delete Wix account

Deleting your Wix account is a quick and easy process. If you’ve decided that Wix isn’t the right platform for you, or if you simply no longer need your account, follow these simple steps:

First, log in to your Wix account on the desktop version of the site. Once you’re logged in, click on your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

From there, select “Account Settings” from the dropdown menu. This will take you to a new page with several options.

Scroll down until you see “Close Account” at the bottom of the page. Click on this option to begin deleting your account.

Wix will then ask for confirmation that you want to delete your account. You’ll need to enter your password one more time before clicking “Submit.”

After confirming that you want to close your account, Wix will send an email with further instructions for permanently deleting all data associated with your profile.

Keep in mind that once you delete your Wix account, it cannot be restored. Make sure that deletion is what you really want before proceeding!

How to stop Wix auto-renewal

If you’re no longer interested in using Wix and want to stop automatic billing, it’s important to turn off the auto-renewal feature. Here are the steps:

Firstly, log in to your Wix account and click on “Subscriptions” under the “Billing & Payments” tab.

Next, locate your plan and click on “Actions”. You’ll then see an option that says “Cancel Plan”.

After clicking this button, you’ll be asked if you want to keep or remove any existing domains associated with your subscription. Make your selection and continue.

You may now be prompted with a survey asking for feedback about why you’re canceling. Fill out as much information as possible so that Wix can improve their service.

Confirm the cancellation by clicking on “Submit”. Remember that once canceled, access to premium features will expire at the end of your current billing cycle.

By following these simple steps, anyone can easily stop their Wix subscription from automatically renewing without any hassle!


Canceling a Wix subscription may seem daunting at first, but it is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to unsubscribe from Wix and delete your account with ease.

Remember that canceling your subscription does not mean that your website will disappear immediately. You can still access it until the end of the billing period. Also, if you have any trouble during the cancellation process or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Wix’s customer support team for help.

Canceling your Wix subscription may be necessary for various reasons such as budget constraints or changing needs. Whatever your reason may be; we hope this guide has been helpful in assisting you through the cancellation process and ending any auto-renewals associated with your account. Happy website building!