Joomla content management system consists of files and a MySQL database; therefore it is essential that backups be created just in case something should go wrong with your site.

Regular backup copies should be created, particularly before major software updates. There are various methods available to you for doing so.

Many hosting providers provide automatic backups of customers’ web projects; however, this service usually incurs an extra fee.


Administrators may have multiple reasons to restore a Joomla site back to its previous working state, including accidentally deleting essential files or being breached by hackers. When this occurs, having a backup can be invaluable in quickly recovering data that has been lost from their site.

Joomla websites rely on two essential components: files and databases. Files contain website templates, plugins, modules, and other elements necessary for proper functioning; while databases store all articles, pages, comments, links and other items on a site’s database – should it become compromised then your entire website would become lost as well. Therefore it is imperative that both files and databases are regularly backed up so your site can be restored should anything arise that needs restoring.

Though there are various methods available for manually backing up and restoring a Joomla website, one of the easiest and safest options is FTP programs. While this method requires regular backup management from you as a dedicated resource, Joomla also comes equipped with its own backup feature or third-party extensions to take backups and restore sites as an alternative solution.


Joomla database is at the core of its content management system and stores information regarding users, content and settings in a MySQL database.

If something goes wrong or plugins cause errors, the only way to recover is with a backup copy of your Joomla database. Therefore, making regular backups could save you from having to re-install or hire experts to rescue your project.

There are tools that can make this task fast and straightforward; one such solution is Akeeba Backup, which creates backups automatically on either your server or in the cloud – you can find its latest version under Download on Akeeba Homepage.

Use phpMyAdmin in your cPanel account to manually back up the database of your Joomla website using its manual backup feature. Selecting and Importing will import it; after which, use Files tab of phpMyAdmin to retrieve its dump file that was created; upload that back onto Joomla website and it will restore back its previous state.


Backing up all Joomla plugins requires some work and should be performed regularly to safeguard against instability or incompatibilities with new versions of Joomla. A backup may prove invaluable in such circumstances.

Backup can also serve as an excellent way to establish a development environment before applying significant updates, providing an ideal setting to safely test changes without risking damaging live website pages.

To ensure proper functionality of backups, it is crucial that the temporary directory on the host be set to a secure folder. You can usually change this through System > Global Configuration > Server.

Another good option for protecting Joomla files and databases automatically is using an extension available in Joomla’s extension library, such as Akeeba backup plugin. Installation can easily take place through Extensions – Install from Web in the backend, with user profiles offering pre-made default profiles or creating your own backup plans in its control panel; after this, click “Backup Now” button to initiate backup process; once complete it can be viewed/downloaded anytime under “Manage Backups” menu item.

As an extra precaution against disasters such as fire or water damage, it is advisable to store backup copies of files and databases away from your live server. This helps safeguard both your website and backup in an event of such events.


Archiving website archives is an integral component of website maintenance and disaster recovery planning. To best safeguard against data loss on Joomla websites, regularly make backup copies at least annually with files and database being archived separately.

Backup files contain all the information needed to restore a website, so having one ensures you can quickly return it to its previous state without making any new changes; your site will appear exactly how you intended.

Although file backups may be less essential (you can simply install your plugins, modules and template again), database backup is absolutely vital. Your database holds all the information your visitors have provided to your website such as comments and links; should it get deleted, all this data could be lost forever.

Backing up your database can be simple. All it takes to get your backup is accessing Hostinger’s cPanel File Manager service and selecting your Joomla installation’s main folder to use its Compress Files service for compression of all necessary files for backing up. Next, log into phpMyAdmin to export your database (click SELECT menu, Export tab). When this has completed you can upload it using any FTP client or Hostinger’s File Manager within cPanel.

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