If your text color isn’t changing as intended, this could be caused by a plugin or theme conflict. Try deactivating various plugins and themes one at a time until one of them proves to be the source of trouble.

Elementor offers you the ability to set global colors and fonts so you can easily change them when editing pages or widgets – this feature can come in especially handy if your website features various themes.


Elementor, one of the most popular WordPress page builders, gives you an easy way to customize font color and style of headings on your site. Poorly displayed headers may drive away visitors or harm overall page and post rankings in Google search.

Elementor’s small CSS editor makes it easy to choose your text color hex code using color selectors and the hex codes associated with your chosen heading text color choices. Simply enter in your color selector followed by its respective hex code for easy selection of your preferred text hue for headings.

Make sure that your chosen colors won’t clash with any existing styles in your theme or page builder, and consult the documentation of any plugins offering advanced customization settings for more details. Also paste your chosen CSS snippet in the Additional CSS section of the Customizer before clicking ‘Save Snippet’; your new text color should now appear live!


Text color may not be changing for various reasons, including adding widgets with unwanted HTML styling. In such an instance, deactivate any plugins or themes which could be contributing to this issue and see if that helps resolve the situation.

If you want to change the font size, family, and style of paragraph blocks across your website with Elementor, the process is slightly different from when editing individual posts and pages. Instead, accessing your WordPress global colors settings allows you to select your preferred text color and apply it across all of your pages and posts ensuring consistency when it comes to font styles used and keeping users and search engines happy.


When your visitors hover their mouses over a link on your website, its color changes slightly as a link highlight – drawing their attention and encouraging them to click it! This tactic works remarkably well at drawing visitors’ eyes towards it so they may click.

Make your links stand out with custom CSS codes by customizing their background and highlight. To do this, login to your WordPress dashboard and navigate through its appearance option – there you will find an option for entering in custom CSS on the left side of the page.

To create global colors, click the Add Color button and choose one of the predefined Global Font Styles, such as Primary, Main, text and accent (link background). Alternatively you can edit existing colors by using pencil icon to change style name or edit existing color names by using pencil icon to modify style names. When finished editing pages and posts with Elementor just press Update for it all to take effect at once!

Text Boxes

Fonts can often be underestimated in web design and page layouts; yet these play an essential part in conveying the overall message and design of your page. Achieve proper font hierarchy helps establish legibility, readability and visitor comprehension – these elements help communicate exactly what information your are conveying to visitors.

If you want to change the text color for any particular block or widget on your WordPress site, head over to Edit Section and then Global Colors and click on your widget of choice before clicking ‘Pick a Color’.

Alternative Method: Add Custom CSS With Elementor you can also add your own custom CSS, which ensures any changes won’t be lost during theme upgrades; this feature is especially helpful if using Premium Addons Magic Scroll plugin to create scroll effects in Elementor elements.

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