When editing any part of your website, it’s best to think step by step and build up layers gradually – this makes undoing mistakes simpler and faster.

To upload your logo to Wix, navigate to Media on the left side of Editor and then Select Media Files / Logo from Your Computer – Add Page

Change Your Site Address

Every time you share a link to your site on social media or other websites, a thumbnail image representing that page automatically gets shared as part of its description. If you would like to change this image instead, first open up settings for that particular page and select Social Sharing there.

Your website allows you to select a different thumbnail image for each page by opening its settings and editing the ‘Page URL’ field – but be mindful that changing this name could break existing links and SEO rankings won’t transfer over to its new version.

Note that removing the “www” prefix from your website’s address is impossible; this form part of its structure. Visitors could still attempt to access your site without it and reach it just fine, however they would receive an error message instead.

Finally, remember that any changes made to your domain URL won’t take effect until after republishing your site. This process can be time consuming if your website has already been around for some time and has multiple links from external websites and sources pointing towards it. To prevent this delay in taking effect, set up 301 redirects from your old URL to your new one – this way visitors are not redirected back and forth when publishing new pages.

Change Your Site’s Preview Image

Are You Done Building Your Website and Ready to Share it with the World? Congratulations – your website is complete and it’s time to show it off to everyone! You do a happy dance as you open Facebook and post the link – only to be met with an image that has become stretched, blurry and unrecognizable due to web hosting constraints!

This happens when websites use the Open Graph protocol to share images with links across social media platforms like Facebook. By default, Facebook will use the first image that appears on a page as its preview image.

Just follow these easy steps to modify the image that displays with your website’s shared link. To get started, head to your dashboard or editor, click Pages icon on left, select page you wish to edit, then click save changes.

Here you can customize the title, description and preview image that will appear when someone clicks a shared link. When finished, click Save and Publish to view your changes live!

Square Online makes it easy to update the thumbnail and description that appear with shared links by selecting a page and clicking View Page Settings, this will also change your default preview title for all pages in that account. Access these settings either via your page editor Overview tab or from within your site Dashboard by selecting Page Settings.

Change Your Site’s Images

Have you ever shared the link to your website on social media or via text, only to discover that when Facebook displayed it as shared it pulled a random image? This can be frustrating when starting out your website; however, Facebook provides a tool that lets you request the desired image be shown instead.

To modify the image displayed when your link is shared, head to the Featured Image section of your Admin page and upload a new one that replaces the current one. Here, you can also upload a description and decide whether you would like zoomed-in, rounded corners or hover animation to occur when people hover their cursor over it.

As file sizes can impact load times, it is wise to opt for smaller images whenever possible. Also helpful is including “alt text”, which is read out by screen readers for visually impaired individuals and helps increase SEO – for instance if you have an image of a diamond necklace with alt text like “Beautiful Diamond Necklace Available at Our Raleigh Jewelry Store” this will improve SEO without impacting its clarity.

Change the thumbnail image that displays when sharing pages or blog posts to Facebook with this method, known as Social Preview Image. Changes can be made individually per-page using the same steps used to setup your Featured Image.

Change Your Site’s Link

Shared pages include a small thumbnail image called a social preview image which displays when clicked upon by visitors, to help entice them and increase clicks to your website. This serves to attract potential customers while encouraging click-through.

Change the social preview image for any of your pages by visiting their settings and selecting a different thumbnail. Additionally, add descriptions for every page so they appear beneath the social thumbnail image when sharing their link.

Note: Any time you alter your permalink structure, Facebook will need time to re-crawl your website and update any shared URLs with new OG images attached to them. For major shifts, we recommend using our Sharing Debugger tool in order to speed up this process.

The permalink structure defines the syntax of URLs and is an essential factor of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on any site. Making changes without testing first on a staging server or private browser before moving them live may cause broken links or have other negative effects on SEO; to avoid any potential negative outcomes it’s recommended that any significant restructuring takes place on a staging site first with 301 redirects set up to move any SEO value over to new pages.

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