Learn more about mobile-first marketing, its effect on operations, and why it should be a priority.
There is no limit on how customers use their smartphones today. From streaming movies to one-click shopping and social media interaction with friends and family, the vast capabilities of mobile devices have changed everyday life. For better or worse, mobile devices have revolutionized modern society by transforming the lifestyles of businesses and consumers alike.
While consumers are deep into the mobile adoption curve, many marketers are still playing catch-up games. In recent years, the word “mobile-first” has developed a ton of buzz within the marketing world, is so overused that it has offered “fake news” some tough competition.
Although some interpret the words “mobile apps” and “website user interfaces” (UIs) to be responsive to mobile formats, “mobile-first marketing” means, at its core, that when a company strategizes its website or other means of digital communication, it should think critically about the mobile experience and how consumers can communicate with it from their many devices.
When advertisers constantly review and upgrade their digital communications, mobile-first and foremost — should be given top consideration. Keep reading to learn more about mobile-first marketing, its effect on operations, and why it should be a priority.
Why is mobile-first so essential?
In the past few years, the population has undergone a massive generational shift, with millennials aged 22-37 taking in Baby Boomers aged 54-72 as the largest group in the United States. We are now the core of the workforce and customers, making them the nation’s most economically important generation.
Given that the millennial generation is so distinctly different from its predecessors (Gen X and Baby Boomers), marketers will need to continue making essential changes to meet their particular needs.
According to Gallup’s polls, more than half of the millennials “can not imagine living without” their phones; there is even a sliver of the population willing to go to prison for a month to prevent them from losing their devices for a year.
The majority of millennials have been digitally wired since childhood, and they have become highly dependent on their computers to meet a variety of needs. Ride-sharing applications, mobile banking, and social media platforms are only a few of the mobile advancements they’ve created over a millennial of life that they’ve grown accustomed to every day.
The millennial relationship with their mobile devices has significantly altered their purchase habits, the way they gather knowledge, and their purchasing approach. Since mobile devices offer millennials instant gratification to their queries, the same is expected when engaging with online brands.
When technology leader Mark Hurd says, today’s customers “make buying choices based on the possibility of accessing the availability of services or goods on a nanosecond basis.” From the development of mobile strategies to execution, the companies would take a millennial approach to thought. Brands with websites that are effortless to access and navigate through mobile devices are likely to be rewarded with a millennial customer base.
How customers use mobile devices
Before constructing a first mobile strategy, it is essential to remember how customers use their mobile devices. Today, consumers average more than 100 minutes of active mobile screen time per day, but how do they divide their time, and where do they focus?
Only ten years ago, the majority of customers only owned a few computers, and each used for different purposes. Mobile phones were used for making phone calls, listening to music, and operating with PC computers. Today, adult consumers have an average of five smartphones, tablets, and wearables, none of which existed ten years ago.
What is the common thread between these modern devices? All can be used on-the-go for immediate details, entertainment, and business. Consumers spend more time on mobile devices, whether for business or personal use than ever before. Indeed, by the end of 2016, most of the world’s total internet traffic was generated from smartphones rather than computers.
These devices often change the way consumers choose to view their details. The content sought by mobile device users differs considerably from desktop apps. Consumers often use devices such as smartphones and tablets to find short-form, quick to digest content but is easy to use when they only have a short time to surf the web.
This is why social media applications such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat became one of the mobile device’s most commonly used platforms. We easily satisfy consumers ‘ needs for entertainment online, even if they only have a few brief minutes between meetings, move from one place to another or wait for coffee.
Mobile has become an integral part of the sales funnel, particularly during the research phase, from a sales perspective. For this survey, over half of consumers reported that they had researched products they wanted to purchase through mobile devices. More than half, on the other hand, used their mobile device to purchase.
Consumers today, particularly millennia, use their mobile devices to search for product information and to compare prices during their customer journey. The delivery of a smooth mobile experience is no longer a brand luxury; it’s a priority. Consumers expect this from every company with which they choose to do business, and if a brand doesn’t deliver, they can find someone.
Web pages that are not loading quickly enough or have too complex navigation pay the price, losing customer experience to revenue.
Factors to be considered in the Mobile-First Strategy
Mobile-first marketing is obviously critical in the design of a customer-centric experience. Still, mobile-first marketing is far easier said than done for those who are beginners to mobile marketing or who are looking to reconsider their current strategy.
Some of today ‘s largest and most well-known brands can boast about their consumer metrics and their ability to understand the needs of their target demographics. Still, when it comes to serving their customers on a mobile platform, they flop.
When it comes to marketing skills, understanding how to market mobile-based customers is key effectively. Starting from the consumer perspective and building strategy, there is an airtight solution for the successful development of a mobile-first strategy. The material that consumers are displayed is what will raise their brand recognition and, hopefully, get them into the sales enclosure.
Here are some of the key factors to be considered in the Mobile-First Strategy:
Optimize sites for mobile
The first step in developing a best-in-class mobile marketing strategy for a company is to ensure that any content or information delivered to a target audience can be accessed precisely on a mobile device. It includes creating a specific interface for mobile devices that can be scale to fit smaller screen sizes.
A site that does not convert to mobile forces consumers to zoom in and out of a product image or struggle to locate a navigation bar, which can be highly irritating and would possibly cause customers to leave the site to find a simpler alternative.
The key to a mobile-first website is the use of responsive web design. Responsive web designs that use HTML frameworks require designers to organize content in grids so that they can choose how wide and grid section shows on devices of different sizes or even hide sections for specific devices. This ensures that information translates easily from device to device, regardless of its size.
Design unique content for mobile users
Just as a digital strategy works for desktop users, it’s not right for smartphone devices. Using a strategy unique to mobile app strengths is more consumer-friendly and also creatively brings traditional marketing strategies.
For example, during the release of new Taurus and Escape vehicle models, Ford has developed a future-oriented mobile marketing strategy that incorporates mobile viewing and texting capabilities. When people were curious about any vehicle and wanted more information, they simply had to send a one-word text message.
When the user sent the email, they would be presented with the appropriate vehicle details and asked for their name and zip code. This information was then sent to their nearest store, from where the sales professional had arrived. Not only did Ford ‘s strategy make use of mobile devices for their benefit, but it also simplified the selling process for customers.
Integrate with social media
Because most mobile users spend their time online on social media apps, brands must have a presence on these sites. Not only does this mean creating and maintaining company accounts, but it also means keeping up with emerging trends in social media that are constantly evolving.
Marketers may try dabbling in influencer marketing, live streaming video, or allowing e-commerce features on their profiles. Through avenue will highlight the benefits of a brand that can inspire customers to move to the next level of the sales funnel.
The mobile-first priority
To make it in the digital market, a brand must have a mobile-first marketing strategy. With millennials taking over the market and depending more than ever on their mobile devices, now is the time to ensure that marketing campaigns are made to meet the target demographic of mobile devices.
By staying on top of the latest innovations in mobile marketing tactics, brands will continue to generate new leads, improve conversion rates, and help effective businesses.